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Childcare Options:


Every parent knows there are very many different aspects to childcare. From straightforward ‘minding’ - ensuring the safety and comfort of the child - to more intensive and demanding periods of educational, behavioural and physical care inputs. Finding the best childcare professional to assist with any or all of these is crucial to your peace of mind and the welfare of the whole family. Consistency in care provision is also important, so choose carefully !


What childcare do I need?


“I would like to go out for dinner every now and again”, “I would like to go to the cinema this Saturday evening” - you need a babysitter.


“I need somebody few hours every day”, “I need somebody to pick up my children from school and look after them I return from work”, “I only work two days a week and would like somebody to look after my chid(ren) at home”, “I have a hairdresser appointment on Saturday morning”- you need a nanny.


“I would like to go away for the weekend without my child(ren)” – you need a proxy parent.

What are nursery duties?


Tasks performed by the nanny in the employers home which correlate to child’s needs. The tasks will change as your child(ren) grow. This list is just an example:


- preparing bottles and feeding babies

- planning meals, cooking, tidying kitchen afterwards

- changing nappies

- bathing / supervising bathtimes

- washing and ironing child(ren)’s clothes

- shopping for child(ren)’s requirements

- tidying child(ren)’s bedrooms and play areas

- school/nursery runs

- organizing age appropriate activities

- attending playgroups, play-dates, park outings

- cleaning toys and play equipment

- reading to and with the children

- helping with homework

- reinforcing appropriate discipline for the children

- implementing daily routines


Who is a:




The babysitter minds the baby or child in the child’s own home. Normally the tasks of feeding and bathing etc are completed before the babysitter arrives. Although duties are light and pay is on the lower scale, it is still a very serious responsibility and it is essential that the babysitter is experienced and is aware of safety issues in the home or any health issues. She must be provided with at least one reliable contact number and given a clear finishing time when you will return. A First Aid certificate and/or childcare qualification are desirable, as is verifiable experience.





A childcarer who will look after your child(ren) during the day and perform nursery duties but no house work, unless otherwise agreed. The nanny will work in your home, it could be on full time or part time basis, temporary or permanent. You can even have a nanny for one day as emergency cover, should your nanny be sick or if your child can’t attend nursery or school on that day. Nannies will have childcare qualification and/or few years of experience.


Au Pair?

An Au Pair is an ‘extra pair of hands’ for a family, where at least one of the parents is home most of the time and can support the Au Pair for at least 50% of her time.  Duties are confined to childcare and light housework, hours are limited to a maximum of  30 per week – normally 6 half days.
In return for this help, the Au Pair receives free board and lodging and pocket money and has her language course paid for. The Canton specifies the level of pocket money and other issues -Google  “Cantonal immigration and labour market authorities”.  Half of all insurance costs are also born by the host family




 A childcarer who will look after a small group of children in her own home.


nursery nurse?


A childcarer who works in a nursery setting, nursery school, a playgroup and has childcare qualifications but no medical training.


maternity nurse?


A childcarer who will help you look after your newborn baby at your home, straight after you come back from hospital. Maternity nurse will work 24 hours a day with breaks for 5 or 6 days a week for few weeks. Maternity Nurse will have special childcare qualifications but no medical training and a lot of newborn experience.


proxy parent?


A childcarer with a lot of experience who will look after your child(ren) while you are away, on business trip or fun weekend.



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